Sunday, January 18, 2009

Character Profile - John Cleese

Well, seeing as this blog was started when the tournament was already in its finals, I figure I oughta post the original character sheet. This more or less explains all of his abilities and quirks. All back issues of this comic can be found here

Story info: John Cleese was a weapons merchant NPC in the military's VR war simulator VirtuWar, brought into the real world by a freak accident. The details are unclear, but the cause seems to have revolved around a lightning strike that hit the test building, causing a power surge through both the data servers and the processor units. In any case, after the program was shut down due to safety protocals, John Cleese remained. He operates by the game's physics engine, allowing him to pull of insane stunts without harm. Weapons appear out of nowhere from under his cloak at will, as long as they can be carried (so he can't yank out a howitzer, for example, but a mortar or rifle is perfectly legal). Due to the bizarre circumstances of his appearance, the case has since been designated "The ReSpawn Incident."

Approximately 6 months after Cleese's arrival in the real world (as the regular Byako tournament rounds drew to a close and the finals began), the VirtuWar project was reopened. This time, it was infiltrated by a virus, created solely for the purpose of extracting another character from the program. This second ReSpawn incident, however, let out a decidedly less pleasant character. Subject 8-00's whereabouts are as yet unaccounted for. It is believed that the subject has followed in Subject 4-59WM's footsteps. Recovery parties have either returned empty-handed or not at all.

Now for something completely...oh, you get the point
You'll notice I redid the layout...again. Sad as it was, I couldn't figure out how to add html codes to the upgraded templates, so I had been using the classic HTML editor. How I managed to overlook the "add HTML" widget, I don't know. In any case, I found it, I'm using it, and I've got my good hit counter back. The other one wasn't really what I wanted, as it kept counting up whenever I refreshed the page (which was a lot as I was editing layouts and posts).

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