Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So after about 2 weeks of having a broken computer (Vista died on me) I finally managed to get it fixed. Unfortunately, getting it fixed meant backing up everything that I could onto an external drive, wiping the HD clean, resetting to factory defaults, and waiting ~6 hours to copy all those files back. My laptop is now more or less back to normal (hell it might even be better - the internet hasn't failed on me yet, which used to happen all the time), except Photoshop 7.0, of all programs, had to not work. Seriously, that one was legit too, my friend lent me their disk so I could do a proper installation, and now it's dead. Blargh. As soon as I figure out how to get my hands on another copy of PS7, I'll be able to get back to work on artsing/comicing or whatever. Until then...ugh.

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