Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kairin Hughes Reference Sheet

Reference sheet for Kairin, the character I'm entering into both BRR2 and SE-OCT. At the same time lol. Anyways, long story short she's another character from John Cleese's world and is trying to chase him down for some unknown reason.

I'm going to be trying something new as I write the upcoming entries for each tournament. As each of these OC tourneys are going to be running at the same time (BRR finals, BRR2, and SE-OCT), and they all follow a common overall story, I'm going to attempt to weave all three into a single cohesive story that (hopefully) comes together slowly as I progress in each tournament. Thus, I figure it'd be better if I explained the time frames now as to how it's all going to fit together, no? Okay. So.

BRR1 is John Cleese's story arc and occurs first. It's the first part of the ReSpawn Chronicles. Kairin Hughes appears about 6 months later and begins her chase after Cleese, with BRR2 following her progress. Expect to see some overlap between my BRR1 and BRR2 entries in terms of when certain events happen. SE-OCT will be fully linear, the entirety of it occurring after the end of BRR2, basically the third chapter in the ReSpawn saga. After that? I haven't got anything planned yet. Depending on whether I scope out any suitable OCT's after these wrap up, I may continue using combat tourneys to advance their stories, or turn it into a monthly webcomic sort of deal, or just complete the ReSpawn story at the end of these tournaments. It's still up in the air and liable to change at any point. After all, I created Kairin as an antagonist to Cleese (in concept form) ages ago, maybe in the 3rd or 4th round of BRR1, never expecting to enter her into 2 more contests to broaden the story. Who knows what I may come up with between now and the conclusion of all 3 tournaments?

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