Sunday, February 1, 2009

Byako Round Robin 2 Audition

Audition entry into the 2nd BRR tournament, starting soon.

“Johnson, come in, what's your status? Johnson? The fuck is going on in here! Saunders, report!”

“krzzzt....HOLY SHI....krzzt....B squad's wasted....A squad's holding tight for now....Holdren watch your back!...skrrshhHH...Fuck, we just lost Holdren, fall back!”

“Goddammit Saunders, who's attacking you?”

“We don't know! B team said something about some lady with metal limbs. C squad never reported, they just disappeared off the map. Radar's all jammed up, it's this damn interference. We've only confirmed one target, but that's what the computer says. I thought HQ only sent us in, but it's saying there's one [Sergeant, look out!] huh?.......krzzzzztttttt”

“Saunders! SAUNDERS! Shit! Doc, I sure as hell hope you know what you're doing up there. It's my men getting killed down here, and....Hey you, who the hell authorized you in ... skrrghhh”


An old man sits slumped over a harsh metal desk. A dozen monitors surround him, showing nothing but white noise. Behind him, a lone, bare bulb flickers dimly in the ceiling. “Fools. Those ignorant fools. Starting up VirtuWar again. After last time, I told them. I told them! But of course, why would they bother listening to me, the head programmer? Fools. All they can see is their 'perfect soldier.' Even now, I bet they wouldn't get it.”

More screaming is heard from a headset lying beside the old man. The chatter of machine gun fire echoes weakly in the small room, before that too is silenced. One thing still troubled the old man. The virus detected by the computer just before the incident started. It was that virus that initiated the auto lock-down which shut down the program. Or which should have shut down the program. It seemed like the virus kept the program going, like it was designed for just that purpose. And that was when the 17th player showed up. 16 were sent in to test VirtuWar. 17 now showed up on the screen. And it was that 17th player that was slaughtering the others.

A lady with metal limbs. A sword that glowed blue. Lightning bolts out of nowhere. An arm that wasn't an arm. The description could only mean one thing. It was the ReSpawn incident all over again. Except this time, the one coming out would be a lot less pleasant.

The headset was all but silent now. Not like any of them had much of a chance anyways. They didn't know what they were up against, and even if they did, would it have helped them? Not really, the old man decided. He sighed, and leaned back in his chair. Not much left to do now but wait.

Tak tak tak.....footsteps coming down the hallway. A slight hiss was heard, as the pneumatic doors slid open.

“Why hello, father. How nice to finally meet you.” A grin.

The old man just sat, unmoving. His eyes were hooded over, not focused on anything in particular, looking out through the observation window at the piles of servers, wire bundles, and other electronics in the warehouse floor below. “Welcome to the world. I take it you're not here to chat.”

“Well, it seems you're not completely clueless. Tell me. Where is Cleese?

“No idea. Haven't seen him in months.”

“Oh? Perhaps this will jog your memory.”

Two quick steps brought her behind the old man. One hand spun the chair around. The other arm, shining metal plate except for where it was spattered with blood...split apart, two blades springing out. A quick thrust sent the deadly points through the man's shoulder, pinning him against the wall.

Red hot pain shot through his body, forcing a scream from his lungs. “I...I really don't know! Last I saw, he said something about finding an answer, and...and...a Byako tournament. Next thing I knew he was gone! I swear, that's all!”

“Hmm, well that's a pity.” The metal arm jerked sideways, internal springs kicking the twin blades outwards. The old man's lifeless body crumpled in a heap against a cabinet on the opposite side of the room, blood smeared in a wide stripe down the wall. “Byako, eh? Guess I'm headed there.”

-3 weeks later-

“Oy, you, up there, with the freak-ass arm!” Two small clockwork plushies looked up at the woman sitting at the bar. She wore a long sleeved jacket, and white gloves so her upper body was covered from neck to waist. The plushie who spoke was dressed identically.

“Well now, what have we here?” The woman looked at the plushies, grinning maliciously.

“Your wishes come true, milady." The plushie winked. Or did whatever it was one did with a button eye that passed for winking. "Says here you've gotten yourself invited to the Second Byako Round Robin. Oh, and here's a special helmet they told me to give you. Up to you if'n ye wants to wear it or not, but it signifies your acceptance into this here tourney. And one last thing. What's your name, babe? All they told me is to look for someone that looks exactly like me.”

“The name's Kairinostja Hughes. Call me Kairin."

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